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The 3 Biggest Secrets to Door Hanger Marketing

door-hangerEvery business is constantly looking for new and different ways to market their products and services while standing out from competitors. Miami Flyers offers many ways to blast your message out to the world and one of the most exciting of these options is custom designed door hangers. Door hangers allow you to easily target your potential customers right where they live. But what is the most effective way to use door hangers for advertising? Here are 3 of the biggest secrets for door hanger marketing:


1. Use a Compelling Design

Door hangers are great because they go right on a door where they are seen immediately when your potential customer gets home. They are not hidden with tons of junk mail or buried in a magazine or newspaper. This is a great way to make sure that you have their attention but not enough to make them customers. To be truly relevant you need to design it in a way to keep their attention and make sure that they remember your business. You need a color scheme that is appealing and a font that is large and easy to read. The design should be simplistic with an impactful focus on your call to action. When people see your door hanger they should know immediately what you want them to do. This could be calling you, visiting your website, or coming down to your store.

2. Target the Right Neighborhoodsdoor-hanger

Even the best designed door hanger will not be effective if the right people are not being targeted. Door hangers might be affordable to print but they should still be used wisely. First you must understand the best places to target your potential customers where they live. For example, if you are running a new gym where you want to target a younger crowd, you do not want to target a neighborhood of retirees. This is just a waste of time and money. You need to do some research to find out where your target market is.

3. Always Track Your Response Rate

At Miami Flyers we have heard many businesses claim that door hangers don't work, but they rarely are tracking responses to verify this. There are many ways that you can track how effective your door hangers are. This includes:

- Coupon codes

- Custom URLs

- QR codes

- Tracked phone numbers

- Mention this ad requests

If you put your mind to it you can probably think of many other ways to easily track your response rate. This will help you to identify what designs, offers, and areas work and which ones don't. This way you will always be able to maximize your marketing efforts.

Door hangers are a great way to market and advertise your business. With these 3 secrets you can be sure that you get the highest return on your investment possible. If you are ready to get started contact us today and we can help you get high-quality door hangers at a very competitive price.