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Print media - Choose the right paper for ads, business cards, and promo materials


No two pieces of paper are alike; this is even more so the case as it pertains to print media. Whether printing a banner ad to promote a huge closeout sale, printing business cards to hand out to clients/potential clients, or otherwise printing promo materials, the right paper, finish, and detail work makes a difference. So before choosing thin, flimsy, or overly glossed paper in an attempt to stand out and be noticed, consider some of these options for different print ads and promotional materials.

Project type 

Is it a brochure? Are you printing a banner to hang outside your business to promote a sale? How long do you want the paper to last? All of these questions should be answered in determining the paper to use for print media. Quality, gloss, embossed, card stock, and other options are available. So before even considering the type of paper (and finish), consider the project you are printing for.

Distinguishing features 

Different types of paper also have different features which set them apart from one another. For example, coated or uncoated? Coated is probably better in terms of durability, quality, shine, and overall appeal. Matte, semi-matte, silk, finishes also have to be accounted for. Items like business cards would benefit from a gloss or semi-gloss finish, as the texture is smoother, finishes are more prominent, and quality stands out. Items such as photos or illustrations look better on coated; a book or magazine ad would look better uncoated.


This refers to the amount of light which shines through the paper; at completed 100%, no light will shine through, this means the lower the percent, the more light shines through. Of course blue-light (brightness) levels should also be accounted for, depending on where you are placing the paper, the type of ad and what you are promoting on it.

Types of paper 

There are also various classes or types of paper. For example, handouts are very thin; they are typically used for flyers. For a convention, the 170 gram option is a little thicker, is thicker, and features a matte finish. These options aren't going to crinkle or easily get damaged, which makes them a good option for bigger shows or trade events.

You also have premium grade paper, which is the 400 g variety. They are thicker, suitable for writing, and come in gloss, smooth, and matte finishes. For banner ads, or larger print media, this is a great option to consider. They don't allow for much light passage, also making them easy to read, regardless of where you place the paper ad or light conditions in the area.

Of course a traditional piece of paper isn't going to go far unless you are writing a standard letter and mailing it out to customers. Apart from this, you have several options from which to choose, as it pertains to paper selection for print media. These are some things to keep in mind for printing, regardless of where the material is used, or in what capacity it will be used as a promotion for your business.

Miami Flyers offers convenient print services with fast turnaround delivering, we custom print everything from business cards, to banners, presentations to promotional materials. Call us today for a free consultation: 786 382-0178.