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NCR Forms -8.5 x 7

NCR Forms provide the functionality of carbon paper without the carbon paper. They are available in 2, 3, and 4-part colored sets to clearly identify each page of the form. NCR Forms come padded in collated sets preprinted in either 1 or 2 colors. Numbering can be added if you prefer or when set serialized forms are required.

Availability: In stock


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Clean File

Allowed file extensions to upload: jpg,png,psd,pdf,jpeg,tif,tiff

Clean File

Allowed file extensions to upload: jpg,png,psd,pdf,jpeg,tif,tiff

Clean File

Allowed file extensions to upload: jpg,png,psd,pdf,jpeg,tif,tiff

Clean File

Allowed file extensions to upload: jpg,png,psd,pdf,jpeg,tif,tiff

Clean File

Allowed file extensions to upload: jpg,png,psd,pdf,jpeg,tif,tiff

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Specifications Digital and Offset Printing

All text and logos must be a minimum of 1/8" from the edge
Color mode must be CMYK
Resolution at least 300 DPI
File type may be: JPG, TIFF or PDF
(if you send a PDF we are not responsible for missing links or fonts) 


Specifications All Banners, Mounted Posters, Step & Repeat Backdrop, Signs and Car Magnets

Color mode must be RGB
Resolution at least 150 DPI
File type may be: JPG, TIFF or PDF
(if you send a PDF we are not responsible for missing links or fonts) 




NCR Forms provide the functionality of carbon paper without the carbon paper. They are available in 2, 3, and 4-part colored sets to clearly identify each page of the form. NCR Forms come padded in collated sets preprinted in either 1 or 2 colors. Numbering can be added if you prefer or when set serialized forms are required.


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  • NCR Forms -8.5 x 7 PDF File Image File