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How to Boost Your Sales with Retail Signage

6f8063ede6bfc15847af726118b872a8Retail signage ranges from window displays to product displays and not only drives consistent brand image, it also visually attracts customers, allows you to engage with customers using technology, allows you to integrate third party databases such as POS and even makes your message actionable which can influence customer behavior and significantly boost your sales.

It also gives businesses a competitive edge by encouraging customers to sign up for say special offers and even loyalty deals, thus eventually boosting sales by increasing the visitor-to-customer rate. Signage basically entices a customer by leaving a memorable first impression.

So, how can one go about it? First of all, keep it simple. Keep it short, direct and concise. Customers want something they can read in three to four seconds. Keeping it shortand easy to read.  Your message should also leave no room for misinterpretation, it should  effectively guide a customer’s thoughts, either using words or images, towards considering a purchase.

With signage, you want to effectively engage the customer but do not bore them at the same time, so be sure to cause an impactful first impression.

Customers have been known to make a purchase simply because the signage of a certain store made them curious enough to check it out and eventually lead to a purchase. Others have even recommended stores to others that they have never gone into simply because the signage piqued their interest and curiosity as to what the store has to offer by leaving a lasting first impression.

home-joeSignage not only applies outside the store. Indoor signage goes a long way in acting as a virtual salesperson guiding customers to easily navigate their way across a store.

Think of the store as a maze where customers are trying to find their way around to the prize at the end of it all, which to you is the customer counter where they will make the actual purchase. You can use indoor signage to direct customers to new deals prompting them to take action and actually make a purchase.

Better still, you can use it to educate the customer about a particular good or service that they would otherwise not have considered.

Additionally, you can use it to not only capture the customer’s attention but to guide their attention towards specific products. This works by helping the customer identify the benefit that particular product will have to them. For example, ’Enjoy your favorite combo meal for two at the price for one’’ indicates to the customer that they are saving by going for that particular deal. Who would pass up the opportunity to make a purchase for two at the price of one? By highlighting the benefit to the customer you’re encouraging them to go for it which definitely boosts sales.

Retail signage definitely goes a long way into boosting sales by drawing in customers, clarifying your products and driving traffic towards your store and products and should therefore be given the seriousness it deserves.