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The Fact That Postcards are A Thing of The Past Makes an Attractive Novelty Today

 Are postcards obsolete?

Most people will answer yes to this questions, for this reason we at Miami Flyers think that postcards offer are an attractive novelty of the past and can be used to bring visibility to any given business.

vintage-post-cardSend out postcards to your client base and impress them with handwritten and a personalized message the old fashioned way. You’d be surprised how people will appreciate this gesture. They will be surprised, and consequently this will bring more awareness to your business.

While there is definitely nothing wrong with using the internet and other well-known marketing strategies, postcards may be just what you need to promote your business. Here’s why:

1. Postcards have reach. Yup mail can travel anywhere, hence there is no limit to their ability to reach your target audience.

2. Postcards are not only easy to design; they are also quite easy to send. Start sending a few to a couple of people and the response will prompt you to roll them out bigger and better. They also happen to be cheaper to send when compared to regular letters.

3. A creative postcard will stand out amongst other junk mail. In short, it is not easy for someone to ignore an eye-caching postcard. In fact, it’s been proven that a well-designed postcard is more likely to be the first thing that captures the attention of a person when he or she receives the mail.

4. Postcards also happen not to eat up a lot of space. It is easy for an individual to carry one or two in his or her pocket. In fact, some people won’t mind carrying a particularly attractive postcard for the sole purpose of filling out their wallets and handbags.

5. If you are planning a promotion that requires your customers to bring along a special 2-postcardinvitation to redeem a special discount, consider sending them a postcard each and you can be assured they’ll not forget to bring it along.

6. This brings us to another reason why postcards are worth your time and money – it’s easy to monitor your results. Just send a couple to some of your customers and ask them to bring them along next time for special discount and you’ll find out for yourself how strong a message a carefully-designed postcard can deliver.

7. Some people have even admitted to displaying postcards on their refrigerators, thus passing whatever information that’s written to them to family and visitors alike.

8. Postcards have never wasted people’s time, in fact, there is no envelop to open to get the message. All a reader needs to do to get the message is to quickly scan the headlines - that simple!

9. But that’s not all, the fact that they don’t call for envelops equals to more money saved, after all, you don’t have to purchase a single envelop.

So, there you have it, postcards are the next big thing when it comes to marketing.